
West Bengal




-0.4 - 15.0 °C


0.8 - 16.0 °C


3.0 - 20.1 °C


5.8 - 22.3 °C


7.9 - 22.4 °C


10.3 - 22.5 °C


11.7 - 21.8 °C


12.1 - 22.8 °C


10.7 - 23.1 °C


7.4 - 22.7 °C


3.8 - 21.0 °C


1.0 - 17.8 °C

Major Airports :

Bagdogra International Airport (IXB), Bagdogra

Nearest Railway Station :

New Jalpaiguri Junction Railway Station (NJP)

Major Airports :

Bagdogra International Airport (IXB), Bagdogra

The molten spectacle of Darjeeling

If you are constantly on the hunt for unique destinations and have experienced your share of fairly remarkable adventures, you should also explore the town “Lava” otherwise known as Labha. A few secluded places have surely captivated riders a lot, and one such route is the Himalayan town of Lava in Darjeeling. This hidden treasure offers a complete package – woven with ancient traditions, breathtaking flora and fauna, and cultural attractions that are truly one-of-a-kind.

One's first glimpse into Lava's vibrant heritage begins as they wander through the maze of narrow village lanes. Each step reveals wooden handicraft homes that have been passed down through generations, showcasing the talent of local artisans. Hours can be spent getting pleasantly lost, marvelling at the skilful craftsmanship and vibrant colours of locally-made textiles, masks, statues, and more.

Yet, Lava's cultural wealth extends far beyond its architectural and artistic wonders. One would always be fascinated by the region's fascinating history and spiritual traditions. It’s no less than witnessing a marvel if you carefully set your time to visit this place, which would coincide with Lava's grand Himalayan festivals, offering a unique opportunity to witness costumed performers bringing sacred rituals to life through dance, music, and symbolic gestures that have been passed down for generations. Witnessing these deeply-rooted celebrations provides a glimpse into customs that predate the modern era and would let you time travel to the beauty our forefathers held.

Mother nature at its best

However, Lava's true crown jewel lies in its awe-inspiring outdoor scenery and diverse wildlife. Before arrival, you can immerse yourself in photographs and guides showcasing the surrounding Himalayan wilderness – lush green meadows, exotic blooming flowers (not to forget the best show of blooming one could ever witness in their life), and elusive creatures like the red panda and musk deer. Yet, nothing can compare to the overwhelming beauty witnessed firsthand.

Trekking through a fairytale-like rhododendron and fir forest, climbing thick moss-covered rocks, and listening to the sounds of exotic birds are some of the biggest highlights. Venturing out to highlands reminiscent of Tibet offers breathtaking panoramic views of jagged, snow-capped mountains meeting the sky. On other hikes, your guide might point out rare highland wildflowers, including cobalt-blue Himalayan poppies and the odd cobra lily which are absolutely rare for the fast-moving lives that we usually live in.

Exploring Lava in warm weather is incredible, but in winter, it is truly sublime. Every morning upon waking, everything is covered with a sparkling layer of fresh powder snow, turning the town into a quiet and peaceful wonderland. One can take full advantage by strapping on skis and charting their first course on the pristine slopes as the morning sun casts a magical alpenglow over the peaks. On other days, donning snowshoes allows for meditative walks through quiet, snow-covered forests, following the footprints of mountain wildlife. Also, this is the only place in West Bengal to receive snowfall in winter.

Snow, stars, and spectacles

While Lava's cultural history and natural splendour are undoubtedly the stars, the town also boasts a number of truly extraordinary attractions and activities that make it absolutely unique as a destination.

How many places offer the opportunity to soar hundreds of feet above the ground on a giant swing set on a cliff? Lava's Great Himalayan Swing provides one of the most exhilarating and unforgettable thrills, swinging back and forth in the fresh mountain air while taking in endless views of snow-capped giants towering in all directions. Just imagine how gratifying and relaxing an experience like that would be.

Beneath the surface, Lava hides another incredible wonder – a vast network of dim, underground ice caves decorated with fascinating frozen geological formations. One can explore these crystalline depths on a guided tour, learning that the caverns were formed tens of thousands of years ago, where nature's artistry created an underground temple of ice to the earth's primordial forces.

One of the most memorable experiences you can have is attending the annual Sky Lantern Festival alongside locals. Beneath a canopy of sparkling stars, decorating gossamer lanterns with wishes and hopes before releasing the glowing creations into the air to join thousands of others sent skyward. As the soft lights dance on the Himalayan breeze, an incredible sense of peace, hope, and spiritual connection washes over. Maybe you make a wish with the lantern, and it really turns true, and even if it doesn’t, you still would get the best night view of your life in India itself.


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Gracious warmth

While Lava's charm and scenery are strong selling points, it is the warmth and hospitality of the people that make an adventure there truly memorable. Everyone, from Himalayan villagers to monks to tea plantation workers, welcomes visitors with kindness and openness.

The generosity of host families, such as the Tibetan woman who invites guests for tea in her rustic yet beautifully decorated wooden house, saying the open exchange of cultures and stories brings good karma, is something you can’t forget. After sipping piping hot butter tea, myths about the ancient monasteries and towering mountains surrounding them are shared with you.

Saving the earth

Incredibly, despite all the allures and activities that attract tourists from all over the world, Labha remains an eco-friendly destination committed to preserving its culture and environment. Sustainability and community are clearly priorities, not just buzzwords.

The local green initiatives researched are seriously being implemented on the ground, from excellent zero-waste policies for trekkers to businesses staffed by Himalayan locals. Regulations enforced by authorities have minimized overcrowding and environmental damage. Overall, exploring Labha perfectly strikes that elusive balance between an unforgettable adventure and being a respectful, low-impact visitor.

Beyond Lava

Experience the peace that resonates in the air at the Rachela Paek Point. You can also visit Kalimpong, the picturesque hill town in West Bengal, while you’re on this trip.

About 22 km from Lava, the small village of Lolegaon offers breathtaking views of the Kanchenjunga range, lush green forests, and the famous Canopy Walk through the dense forests of towering pine and oak trees.

Also explore the quaint hamlet of Kolakham, known for its biodiversity, bird watching opportunities, and adventure activities like trekking and rock climbing. It offers a close view of the Kanchenjunga range.