
Uttar Pradesh

Jagannath Temple



3.8 - 28.4 °C


6.8 - 31.0 °C


10.0 - 36.1 °C


15.3 - 41.3 °C


20.3 - 44.2 °C


23.4 - 44.5 °C


23.8 - 39.8 °C


23.7 - 37.0 °C


20.5 - 35.4 °C


14.3 - 36.0 °C


8.5 - 31.7 °C


5.1 - 28.1 °C

Major Airports :

Kanpur Airport (KNU)

Nearest Railway Station :

Kanpur Central Railway Station (CNB)

Major Airports :

Kanpur Airport (KNU)

Behold the ‘monsoon temple’

In the quaint village of Behta, just three kilometres away from the headquarters of the Bhiatargaon block of the Kanpur district, you will find the mystical Jagannath Temple. Renowned for its unique phenomenon, wherein raindrops are said to grace the roof just a few days before the onset of monsoon showers, this temple is shrouded in an aura of mystery and wonder. 

In addition to its ability to predict the weather, the Jagannath Temple also boasts unique architecture. The temple appears in a curving shape reminiscent of a Buddhist stupa. As you approach the temple, you'll notice its central structure resembling a majestic chariot, surrounded by walls shaped like delicate lotus petals.

Like its counterpart in Puri, the Jagannath Temple in Kanpur also features the revered Nila Chakra (a wheel made of eight metals) atop its structure, adorned with a saffron flag flying high. The Nila Chakra also serves as a lightning conductor, and this ingenious design has safeguarded the temple from thunderstorm lightning strikes, preserving its original structure throughout the ages.

Reading the future in raindrops

Let’s go back in time and imagine hundreds of years ago when there was no technology for predicting the weather and farmers in the region were dependent on the forecasting of the temple. They would observe the roof for signs, and it could even predict the nature of monsoon in the region. It was said that the size and quantity of the raindrops on the ceilings would hint at the intensity of the coming rains. Surprisingly, as the first of the raindrops would fall upon the earth, the temple's roof would mysteriously dry up.

Local farmers place unwavering trust in this mysterious phenomenon, and they still rely on the prediction of the ‘monsoon temple’ to gauge the fortunes their crops would bring that year. 

If you want to see the temple in all its glory, plan your trip around Janmashtami (August–September), when this sacred site becomes the epicentre of festivities.

Mysterious origins of the temple

The temple is dedicated to the revered Hindu deities Lord Jagannath and his siblings Balram and Subhadra. You will find the majestic idol of Lord Jagannath, standing tall at nearly 6-7 feet, in the heart of the temple. Crafted from rare black stone, his divine form mesmerizes all who behold it. Despite numerous attempts by archaeological experts to unveil its secrets, the exact origins of this sacred site remain unknown, with its construction date lost to the sands of time. However, traces of its ancient past are evident in the temple's last restoration, which dates back to the 11th century.

Another wonder that awaits your visit

Once you've experienced this intriguing temple, don't forget to explore the Bhitargaon Temple. It is the largest and oldest brick temple in the country and a true gem of India's architectural heritage. Imagine stepping back in time to the Gupta Empire, where intricate terracotta designs and towering spires tell tales of centuries past. It's not just a sightseeing adventure but a journey through history, a chance to connect with the rich past and cultural legacy of India.

It is said that the prayers whispered within the sacred walls of Jagannath Temple hold the power to manifest desires into reality. Some may consider it mere folklore, yet the mystical ambience that permeates this sanctum defies rational explanation. Whenever you visit Kanpur, make sure to keep this sacred site as a must-visit spot on your list.


Morning: 05:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Evening: 05:30 PM - 09:00 PM

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