This shot was taken on the last Christmas evening at the beautiful, Historic, All Saints Cathedral Church in Prayagraj , Uttar Pradesh, India

Quick dive into Prayagraj

2 Days | Prayagraj

This shot was taken on the last Christmas evening at the beautiful, Historic, All Saints Cathedral Church in Prayagraj , Uttar Pradesh, India

Route distance :

23.15 km

Route distance :

23.15 km

Discovering the timeless allure of Prayagraj

Prayagraj, once known as Allahabad, is a city steeped in a rich blend of history and spirituality, where the sacred confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati at Triveni Sangam creates a mesmerising aura. As you navigate its streets, you're embraced by a blend of eras, from the colonial majesty of the All Saints Cathedral to the ancient resilience of the Ashoka Pillar. The resonance of temple bells from the Shri Bade Hanumanji and Patalpuri Temples offers a peaceful interlude, while the imposing Prayagraj Fort, a showcase of Mughal and Hindu architecture, stands sentinel over the city's rivers. Iconic landmarks like the Old Naini Bridge and the Clock Tower symbolise Prayagraj's journey through time. This 2-day exploration not only promises a visual and spiritual treat but also beckons with tantalising local delicacies, ensuring an unforgettable dive into the city's vibrant heritage.

Spirited sojourn and historical footprints

Day 1
  • A day where colonial traces meet spiritual encounters.

  • Highlights

    All Saints Cathedral, Clock Tower, Old Naini Bridge, Triveni Sangam

Wake up to the distant sounds of temple bells and the rich aroma of Poori-Bhaji, a local breakfast delicacy. Start your day at the majestic All Saints Cathedral. Gothic spires reaching towards the azure sky, lush green lawns and intricately designed stained glass windows make you wonder about the British era and its influence on the city's architecture. Each window and alcove of the cathedral whispers tales from the Bible, the distant echoes of colonial influence still palpable.

Strolling the local markets near the cathedral, you’ll stumble upon artisans crafting beautiful rosaries and religious pendants, which could serve as a memorable keepsake of the trip.

By afternoon, the heart of the city would have lured you to the Clock Tower. While seemingly a mere timekeeper, the locals might tell you whispered tales of the British officers who once frequented its shadow. Then, head to the Old Naini Bridge. This isn’t just a bridge; it’s a portal to scenic views. With boats dotting the Yamuna below and the distant murmur of the city, it’s the perfect spot to watch the sun start its descent.

The soul of the day culminates at Triveni Sangam. Board a wooden boat, and the boatman might just narrate the legend of the churning of the ocean as you sail towards the confluence. As you watch the sun set, the mingling waters seem to change hue, reflecting stories of divinity and timelessness.

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Temples, fortresses, and chronicles of ancient glory

Day 2
Mughal Fort Allahabad
  • From divine abodes to the testimony of time, journey through Prayagraj's soul.

  • Highlights

    Shri Bade Hanumanji Temple, Patalpuri Temple, Prayagraj Fort, Ashoka Pillar

The aroma of freshly fried Samosas and sweet Jalebis fills the air as dawn breaks. The day beckons you to the Shri Bade Hanumanji Temple. This isn't just any temple. Locals might tell you of legends where Lord Hanuman rested here while searching for medicinal herbs. His reclined posture here isn’t just unique, it’s symbolic, mirroring serenity and strength simultaneously.

Afternoon hours lead you to the mysterious Patalpuri Temple. This underground abode is not just a place of worship but an echo of countless tales. Feel the coolness of the subterranean realm, with legends suggesting it to be a portal to the netherworld.

After savouring a traditional thali lunch, the imposing Prayagraj Fort demands attention. As you walk its ramparts, it’s easy to imagine the sound of bugles, the march of soldiers and strategic discussions in hushed tones. The fort is a labyrinth of history with every stone having its tale.

Inside the fort, the Ashoka Pillar stands with an aura of quiet dominance. Brushing your fingers over the ancient inscriptions, you are instantly connected to the Mauryan dynasty, its great Emperor Ashoka, and tales of a unified India.

Concluding your day, find a quiet spot by the river and savour the local snacks like Chat and Pani Puri while reminiscing about the historical journey you’ve embarked upon.