
Incredible land of Scotland of the East

2 days | Shillong


Route distance :

19.8 km

Route distance :

19.8 km

Immersing in Shillong’s magical tapestry

Nestled calmly in the lap of Meghalaya, Shillong reverberates with a vibrant cultural legacy. An exquisite gem of the northeastern region of India, Shillong is embellished with lush meadows, green enchanting hills, and mesmerising waterfalls. Your two-day sojourn would help you explore and connect pristine beauty with cultural lore.

This land has enriched the hearts of locals and tourists with the essence of diverse cultural symphony evident from the lively festivities of harvest and traditional rituals. A harmonious blend of colonial architecture and modernised structure allows a unique ambience resonating with unity in diversity. The whispering serenity of the city leaves an indelible mark on the souls of tourists and locals alike.

Exploring tranquil and heritage sites

Day 1
  • Exploring heritage and nature’s serenity

  • Highlights

    Ward’s lakeDon Bosco Museum

A good start to the day would be accentuated with ‘Judoh’ which is a spicy and tangy rice and meat dish special to Shillong. With a burst of tribal flavours on the tongue, you can head on to explore the enchanting oasis, Ward’s Lake. Built-in the late 19th century, this is a land of tranquility perfect for rejuvenation and respite from the rush of life. This creative marvel stands as a testament to human ingenuity and skilled craftsmanship where Fitzwilliam Thomas Pollok guided the creative structuring. The lone wooden bridge running across the lake provides a picturesque mystical allure of dancing water.

Next, you’re entering a treasure cove of cultural heritage, Asia’s largest Museum of Ingenious Cultures, the Don Bosco Museum. The northeastern region is embodied with diverse cultural heritage and traditions that beckon enthusiasts for an awe-inspiring journey to the city’s pride. From art and paintings, delicate artefacts, inspiring portraits and sculptures, to mesmerising photography, and intricately designed exhibits present an ingrained craftsmanship of the northeast.

End the day with an evening movie booking at the Galleria Anjalee Cinema, that is, a small but delicately constructed theatre in the heart of Shillong. Varying snacks and dinner delicacies in the food court at friendly prices ensure the greater popularity as one of the hang-out places in the city.

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Shillong guide

Embrace delicate symphonies of nature and heritage

Day 2
  • Beholding cascading falls and iconic heritage site

  • Highlights

    Elephant FallsShillong Peak

Give a joyful start to your day with a relishing palette of Shillong’s signature dishes composed of northeastern aromatic spices and flavours. Moving towards the first location of the day, you can expect a natural marvel depicted in a three-tiered cascading flow at the Elephant Falls. Each tier unveils another mystery through the mystical effect of the glistening water curving and falling with a melodious symphony among the rocks. Discovered in the 19th century by the British colonies, it has set its name in stone for the long haul into one of the most enchanting natural marvels.

Next, you’re only a few steps away from Mattilang Park which presents a mesmerising picturesque view of the Elephant Falls. It also depicts a natural charm that attracts tourist enthusiasts looking for beauty in nature. Taking a stroll there might be akin to a heavenly walk in an enchanting dream.

Embarking on a thrilling journey towards the pinnacle of the peak in Shillong prompts a breathtaking panoramic view of the city's scope. This Shillong Peak is perched at 6449 feet above sea level as an undeniable symbol of the city’s grandeur. Numerous legends weave a traditional folklore of the peak converging past and present rituals and ceremonies within its regal presence.

The day draws to a close with an alluring sunset from the Shillong Peak that will leave you enthralled for a long time.