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When you lose your way you find yourself

By: Ansuman Rath, OSD, Odisha Tourism

The primary attraction at the Lake is the OTDC Watersports Complex where the Tourists can enjoy a variety of rides, catering to all age groups. As the assignment was something very peculiar, we set sail on an OTDC Speed Boat to which a Banana Boat was tagged onto.

Traversing the breadth of the Tampara Lake in the late afternoons is an altogether different experience. The view of the setting sun lends shimmering lighting effects on the turquoise waters.

As we approach the other side of Lake which is a proposed Ramsar wetland, we saw an ecology bustling with life. Verdant greenery which soothes your eyes & heals your soul, welcome you to this hinterland. I could never believe more on the saying - “The antidote to exhaustion is nature.”

If the excitement wasn’t enough, there was more thrill awaiting us. The waters on the lakeside being shallow, we had to find alternate means to reach the land, as the speed boat wouldn’t sail. An adventurous way for last-mile connectivity in which we alighted onto the Banana Boat, and then used it as a floater to land up on the other side of Tampara. Exciting. Isn’t it?


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The next step - Crossing the Forest. With little or no mobile network connectivity and no Google Maps to come to your rescue, this was an adventure in all of its own. We progressed through vast patches of Casuarina, intermittent sand dunes and the chirping sounds of innumerous birds, sometimes losing our way and sometimes moving cluelessly. But, nature was in all of its glory along this 3 kilometer trail, pushing us to never give up on the endless wandering. It was all about finding our way to the destination.


Sometimes, its the journey which teaches you a lot about the destination. Keeping the faith & belief not to give up, this walk for an hour through these unknown lands was all about being patient & calm. Because, good things take time

Bumps, hiccups and obstacles. But in the end, we were finally treated by this spectacular view of the mighty Bay of Bengal making every step, every moment of this sojourn count in gold. A new fairytale world beholds in La- La Land. We finally discovered this pristine and unspoilt beach, which shall leave you spellbound by its quaint calmness. Not a soul anywhere, but full of life.

The beautiful contrast between the blueness of water and whiteness of sand was a treat to the eyes. The cool breeze blowing gently added to the serenity of a late evening walk along the shore. We walked along the coast, watching dusk over the sea - truly one of the most beautiful wonders of nature.


With the dusk setting in, we decided to walk along the sea on a 5 km long trail upto the nearest Arjeepalli Village. To be frank, thanks to being a lazy bum, I was physically drained out due to the heat & humidity, but mentally I was invigorated by the bountiful of nature.

Not everytime does it happen that you want the path to go on and on. This sojourn for me was an experience of a lifetime, the memories of which shall be cherished forever.


May sound clichè but there are some things which money can’t buy. Nothing gives you happiness, more than nature. This is my tryst with nature at the Tampara Lake and adjoining Sea Beach.

Ansuman Rath is an Officer on Special Duty (OSD), working for Odisha Tourism.