
Arunachal Pradesh

The Dzogchen Samtan Choeling Monastery



13.3 - 34.5 °C


14.9 - 37.7 °C


18.0 - 40.8 °C


21.2 - 42.2 °C


21.7 - 42.3 °C


22.5 - 39.4 °C


22.2 - 37.0 °C


22.2 - 36.2 °C


21.4 - 36.2 °C


19.5 - 35.1 °C


15.5 - 33.5 °C


13.3 - 32.5 °C

Major Airports :

Dibrugarh Airport (DIB), Dibrugarh

Pasighat Airport (TEZ), Pasighat

Nearest Railway Station :

Murkongselek Railway Station (MZS)

Major Airports :

Dibrugarh Airport (DIB), Dibrugarh

Pasighat Airport (TEZ), Pasighat

A towering presence

The Dzogchen Samtan Choeling Monastery, located high on a hillside in Mechuka city of Arunachal Pradesh, beckons visitors with its spiritual aura. This relatively new religious site is a captivating blend of artistic beauty, breathtaking panoramas, and a palpable sense of tranquillity.


Prepare to be awestruck by the colossal 10-foot statue of Guru Lhuhe Rigzin. This towering figure stands as a testament to the dedication and skill poured into its creation over two years. Take a moment to admire the intricate details that adorn the statue. The monastery is situated at a vantage point from where the charming town of Mechuka unfolds before you like a meticulously crafted tapestry. Nestled amidst rolling hills and a majestic mountain range, the town appears like a picture-perfect postcard that comes to life. Gaze out at the scenery, letting the fresh mountain air invigorate your senses and the beauty of the Himalayas seep into your soul. On your way up to the monastery, the white, imposing chortens scattered around the grounds feel like personal invitations to immerse in the spiritual aura of the sacred site.

A spiritual sanctuary

Step inside the monastery and immerse yourself in a divine atmosphere. The air hums with a quiet reverence, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The prayer hall is a visual feast adorned with exquisite thangkas (painted scrolls), frescoes, and murals depicting Buddhist deities and symbols. These intricate works of art, passed down through generations, are a testament to the artistic traditions and deep faith embedded within the monastery walls.

The early morning prayer ceremony is a truly special experience. Find a quiet corner and observe the monks performing sacred rituals and chanting with reverence. Their movements are precise, their voices a harmonious chorus that fills the space with an air of serenity and deep respect. Allow yourself to be enveloped by this atmosphere of tranquillity.


Expressions of faith

As you explore the monastery grounds, you'll encounter vibrant displays of faith. Colourful structures made from ghee (clarified butter) and rice offerings known as mura or kodu stand as testaments to devotees' prayers. These offerings, along with the flickering butter lamps lit by pilgrims, create a mesmerising display of devotion. Feel free to participate in this ritual, adding your own flicker of hope to the tranquil space.

Outside the monastery but within the premises, a large mani wheel, a traditional Buddhist prayer wheel, beckons you to spin it and seek divine blessings. As you rotate the wheel, mentally recite your mantra or prayer, allowing the rhythmic movement to lull you into a state of inner peace. Prayer flags, like colourful butterflies, dance in the breeze around the monastery grounds, adding a touch of vibrancy to the surroundings. These flags, emblazoned with Buddhist mantras, are believed to carry prayers on the wind, a beautiful reminder of the power of faith. A constantly burning fire crackles within a makeshift fireplace believed to ward off evil spirits and symbolise the enduring flame of faith.

Unwind, reflect, and embrace tranquillity

As you ascend the path to the monastery, rows of white chortens line the way, each one a silent sentinel guarding this sacred place. These structures, often adorned with intricate carvings, serve as repositories for religious relics and embody the enduring presence of Buddhism in the Himalayas.

Dzogchen Samtan Choeling Monastery is more than just a religious site; it's a window into Mechuka's soul. Come, experience its artistic beauty, breathtaking panoramas, and the deep faith that permeates this special place. Allow yourself to be enveloped by the tranquility, embrace the spiritual significance, and take home a newfound sense of peace from your visit to this Himalayan sanctuary.